The uncommon skill of getting from here to there.

The journey can be challenging on many levels.

The journey begins and ends with skilled people at every juncture.

Hong Kong Harbour Company ® assigns you a team that deals with geo-politics, regulations. cultural nuances, translation issues. With built-in contingency plans.

You will be part of a supply chain that makes sense. From when the first container moves out, our process is integrated with your operations, aligned with your business platform, whether we ship to you, your distributors or direct to your customers.

We have master warehousing in China at the front end of the supply chain and additional warehouses in major cities and ports in China, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.

The result is a smooth, efficient logistics supply chain — guided by a two-way communications platform that keeps you up to date in real time.

We invite you to get in touch. We’ll take it from there.


  • How will your product move from factories in China to your customers?
  • How do you ensure high performance at every step in the process?
  • What characteristics of the supply chain are most critical to your company?